ATTENTION HOPES Patients: Northern Nevada HOPES clinics and pharmacies will be closed on Thursday, July 25, 2024 for our Annual Staff Summit.

 ATENCIÓN Pacientes de HOPES: Las clínicas y farmacias de Northern Nevada HOPES estarán cerradas el jueves 25 de julio de 2024 por nuestra Cumbre Anual del Personal.

Lifestyle Changes To Keep You From Being A Statistic

Heart disease by the numbers:

  • Heart disease claims one million lives in the U.S. each year and is the number one cause of death for both men and women.
  • Every 33 seconds, someone dies from cardiovascular disease in the U.S.
  • Over 920,000 Americans will have a heart attack this year, half of which will occur with no prior symptoms or warnings.
  • Sudden Cardiac Death kills 680 Americans each day. Of the 250,000 annual deaths, one half are under age 65.
  • 435,000 American women suffer a heart attack annually; of that number 83,000 are under age 65 and 35,000 under age 55.
  • 42% of women who suffer a heart attack die within the first year, compared to 24% of men.

The good news – heart disease is preventable and your risk is reduced by leading a healthy lifestyle:

  • 150 minutes a week of moderate to intense physical activity and strength training
  • Drinking no more than 1 glass of alcohol per day for women/2 for men
  • Not smoking. Smokers are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack and have an increased risk of stroke
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Managing stress
  • Eating healthy

The foods listed below can lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increase your HDL (good) cholesterol levels:

  • Cold water fish: mackerel, salmon, herring, sardines and albacore tuna
  • Healthy oil: cook with olive, canola, safflower or sunflower oil
  • Go nuts: eat walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, cashews, and pistachios
  • Fiber rich foods: whole grains, oatmeal, barley, flax seed, beans, and lentils
  • Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes
  • Fruits: bananas, pears, apples, avocados, prune and berries

Find out more about preventing heart disease and check out heart healthy tips for women by their age.


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