ATTENTION HOPES Patients: Northern Nevada HOPES clinics and pharmacies will be closed on Thursday, July 25, 2024 for our Annual Staff Summit.

 ATENCIÓN Pacientes de HOPES: Las clínicas y farmacias de Northern Nevada HOPES estarán cerradas el jueves 25 de julio de 2024 por nuestra Cumbre Anual del Personal.

HOPES in the News: The Value of Lived Experience

This simple concept is something we can all do, each time we see someone struggling, someone the world has forgotten; look at them, smile, create a couple of seconds of connection and see how these small acts of kindness can reshape an individual’s life and ultimately reshape the trajectory of the homeless crisis in our community, one connection at a time. 

Heidi Loeb, one of our outstanding board members at HOPES, shared her experience learning from HOPES’ CEO Sharon Chamberlain about the importance of making all people feel seen and how a ride-along with our Change Point team was eye-opening and brought tears to her eyes. Read the heartwarming piece.

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